
At Livingstone Primary School we aim to ensure students have access to a robust, stimulating and inclusive mathematics curriculum. This curriculum enables students to develop a strong understanding of mathematical concepts, thinking skills and processes, and apply these to pose and solve problems. It is important to us that students develop, be confident in and apply specialist knowledge in mathematics that provides for further study in the discipline; promotes understanding of the role of mathematics in life, society and work; and equips students to creatively investigate, interpret, understand and represent mathematical situations and acquire new knowledge and skills when needed.
The mathematics curriculum is based on the Victorian Curriculum. It is organised around the interaction of three content strands and four proficiency strands. The content strands, which describe what is to be taught and learnt, are Number and Algebra, Measurement and Geometry, and Statistics and Probability. The proficiency strands, which describe how content is explored or developed are Understanding, Fluency, Problem Solving, and Reasoning.
The cross curriculum priorities of Victorian Curriculum are also embedded in the mathematics curriculum:
- Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and cultures
- Asia and Australia’s engagement with Asia
- Sustainability
Students’ mathematical skills and understandings are developed so that they can confidently and competently participate in everyday life. ICT is used appropriately and effectively to support the learning of mathematics. The teaching of mathematics is a discreet and explicit component of the curriculum taught by classroom teachers. The development of numeracy skills is an integral component of all learning experiences and is incorporated across the curriculum, by all teaching staff. Students are scheduled a minimum of 5 hours per week for explicit mathematics instruction.