Educational Rationale
Livingstone Primary School provides an exciting and inclusive curriculum; meeting students’ academic, social and emotional needs, and levels of development. Our students are industrious, respectful and high achieving. We plan and deliver challenging programs that make the school relevant and engaging in the 21st century, where rapidly advancing technology and global connection demands that curriculum planning and program delivery acknowledges and uses student knowledge and expertise with technology, now and in the future.
To promote student responsibility and motivation we work to ensure that the learning environment at our school is safe, supportive, challenging and engaging. We provide an environment that fosters inquiry, questioning, and experimentation; one that recognises and caters for individual learning styles and encourages students to take responsibility for their learning and their achievements.
Our staff, teaching and non-teaching, continues to show commitment and dedication to the school’s vision and goals, and to the students in their care. Collaborative team planning by teaching staff, supported by the provision of a team planning day per term for level and specialist teams ensures programs that are differentiated for specific learning needs, and foster thinking, inquiry and striving for personal best and improvement. Non-teaching staff including the office administration team, integration aides and maintenance staff, provide an exceptional level of support to students, staff and their families. Livingstone Primary School is fortunate in having such a strong and cohesive team.