Physical Education & PEEP
The Physical Education (PE) program at Livingstone Primary School (LPS) is designed and implemented with a focus on providing opportunities for students to challenge themselves, have fun and become proficient in the performance of fundamental movement skills (FMS) and sport specific skills. The role of Physical Education in the school curriculum is for students to develop the knowledge and understandings they need for lifelong participation in physical activity, to help lead a healthy and happy life.
Each week all year levels have a 50 minute PE lesson and Year 3-6 students also have a weekly 100 minute sport session.
At Livingstone Primary School, Physical Education is a sequential seven year program. Beginning from Foundation there is a strong focus on the introduction and continual development of the fundamental movement skills (FMS). The junior year levels participate in a variety of activities individually and with their peers, to become proficient in skills such as throwing, catching, kicking, running, jumping, bouncing and striking.
As students progress through the PE program, a greater emphasis is placed on the performance of sport specific skills and applying movement concepts and strategies when participating in games. FMS are refined and combined to meet the demands of more sport specific tasks. Strategies such as attacking and defending are introduced in major game units with students learning tactics for team success. Students are provided with the opportunity to use these learned and practised skills in striking and fielding, net/wall, invasion and target games as well as game sense sessions.
Through participation in games and activities an importance is placed on students learning and demonstrating positive behaviours including sharing, cooperation, inclusion, fair play, teamwork and sportsmanship.
At the completion of the PE program students will have had the opportunity to develop the knowledge, skills and confidence to remain physically active throughout school and beyond.
Intensive Swimming Program
The Swimming Program is an integral part of the PE program at Livingstone Primary School and all students are encouraged to attend these sessions.
All levels from Foundation to Year 6 attend our two week intensive swimming program.

Physical Education Extension Program
The Physical Education Extension Program (PEEP) offers students in Years 5-6 the opportunity to participate in extra sports and activities. PEEP students engage in a wide range of indoor and outdoor activities including:
- Surfing
- Skiing
- Horse riding
- Rock climbing
- Gymnastics
- Squash
- Dancing
- Tennis
- Golf
- Bike riding